Over the past couple months Cornsporn.com has been working on a classified porn on demand theater for its loyal readers. After endless days and sleepless nights the developers behind this top secret project have finally produced a working porn theater for all you porn lovers. Corn’s Porn on Demand offers more than 50,000 porn videos, from over 500 adult studios that can be viewed 3 different ways.
Pay per Minute – This option is great, you simply buy minutes, for as little as .08/min, and watch porn videos as you like. You only pay for the minutes you USE, you can jump around the videos, skip to the orgasms and cumshots, you only pay for what you watch. Just think a quick 10 minute jerk session will cost you under a buck!
Streaming Rentals – This method is simple, you pay a small fee, which varies by each individual video, and you watch the porn video in its entirety. Stop it, restart it, whatever, you have 24 hours to watch the complete porn video you pick.
Download to Own – This method is both slick and simple. You simply choose a video you would like to keep for ever. Pay a fee, again depending on the video of your choosing and download it to your computer. Thats it!
As you can see instant streaming porn on demand is the future! So what are you waiting for, sign-up today. As an added bonus click this link for a no strings attached 15 Minutes Free at Corn’s Porn on Demand! Cya in the theater!